I'm a horrible blogger. Its been a month. I am sorry. I have not even been very busy. Seriously. Okay Blogger is messing up big time so if something is mispelt I'm sorry, not my fault.
The other day my mom asked me to find this paper for her. I was looking through my room and omygosh I found some school! If you know me pretty well then you can probably imagine my elation over this discovery. It's Old Testament Survey. I've been doing it the past few days and it's so good to feel sane again. I love routine and schedules and thats why I don't like summer. To much nothing.
So yeah when Blogger wants to start acting sane again, I'll post more. I should probably DO more stuff too so I can blog about something other then school. :p I'm going to Chicago this month over my Birthday so that should be interesting. :)
It's funny that I draw my favorite pictures whenever I'm not trying. I drew this one in the kitchen while I was waiting for dinner.