Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Past, Present, Future

 Happy New Year to you, from me, sixteen days late!
 New Year's is my favorite holiday because
1.) Looking back at the past year. I enjoy this because I'm a sentimental fool.
2.) Wondering about the upcoming year.
3.) All the new things you can say about yourself. (I'm graduating next year!!!)
4.) You don't have to buy anyone presents. I am the worst at buying presents.
5.) Parties. Sparkling cider. Food. Obnoxious countdown.
 I babysat on New Year's Eve so I didn't participate in any party activities, which is totally fine. I wanted to go to First Night in Downtown Springfield but my cousin went and said it was lame this year. Of course it was lame. The Y.E.S. Troupe didn't perform and that's the only reason anyone goes, right?????? That's the only reason I go!
 Anyway, here are my resolutions. When I say resolution, I mean that loosely. Every time I make any sort of plans, my brain says "Looks like I should everything EXCEPT THIS ONE THING I PLANNED."
Resolution 1: Follow through with plans. (This is some sort of mind-bending, two level resolution on which the rest of my resolutions are hanging in the balance.)
Resolution 2: Write more. Both on the blog and just writing stories.
Resolution 3: General, all-inclusive, "Keep improving in all facets of life"
Okay now I'm going to try to forget that I ever made resolutions. (Can you trick your own mind?)
Have a great year!

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