Monday, December 26, 2011

New Ventures

My amazing artist of a cousin, Jonathan, visited us last week and he and I did a collaborative picture together. Here it is....
He is seriously incredible. He did the left side and I did the right (obviously you can tell; his side looks professional). Unfortunately, he had to leave. Hopefully he'll visit again and we can do more pictures. The printer drained a little bit of the color, so it doesn't look as vibrant as it does in real life.
 Someone else I must mention is my sister's boyfriend, Jason. He got me some awesome watercolors for Christmas and so far I've painted these...
 'Writer's Block'
'Coco and Pepper at the Zoo'
I had some lettering in this picture, but it was cut off because the first time I uploaded it the feet were cut out! The feet were too cute to leave out, so I opted for cutting out a little text.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Everyone!!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Lonely in the Lofty City

The picture is a bit cut-off.
Have an adventure this week, okay?
It's not always fun to be Lonely in the Lofty City.

Monday, October 3, 2011

A Short Lesson in History

          History is surprising. It can be...boring. Most of the time, for me, it is. But then there are those rare and exciting twists where you discover a story that catches your eye...and you pay attention. There's that awkward moment when you realize 'I enjoyed that' and you then reread the story just to make sure you didn't imagine it. Some stories are funny,some are full of injustice, some make you proud, and some make you sad. Others are down right eerie.
 The Lost Colony

Thursday, September 29, 2011


  I love to paint/draw hair. I love the way hair flows and hangs. I wish I had good hair.
       This year, I'm taking American History. This picture was inspired by my studies of the early colonies and their relations with the Indians.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Rich Colors!

I ♥ Math
I've been really interested in watercolors, these are a few of my favorites. Enjoy :)


Thursday, July 21, 2011

Creepy Curious Art

(click to enlarge)
  The Curious Finds and Wares Gallery is the last shop on Pickwic Road. Its in a little grimy corner just like you see in British movies. Here you shall find anything and everything odd. This week, and this week only, says owner Perri Greery, you can gaze upon strange children from across the world. Incredibly large children from across the world. If you want to be creeped out for a little while, general admission is $5 per person. Perri Greery says he started his little shop because he wanted people who couldn't leave the city to see a little bit of the world. "Next month," Greery says, "we'll be showcasing Fat Russian Cats." 
The incredibly large children will only be here November 2-7. After that, Mr. Greery won't reveal where they're going next.

  PUBLIC NOTE: Stay Away From Large Children! No, they won't talk to you. They will just stare. Almost as if memorizing your face.
 Don't go shopping on Pickwic Road.  -Detective Scrawl

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

 Its complicated. Sigh. My scanner is hooked up to a computer that sadly no longer has Internet. So. Where does that leave me? No blog and a piece of poorly cooked chicken made by yours truly? While the unfortunate latter may be true, I shall figure out a way to revive my blog.
                                           Hmm...what should their names be?
                                           This one looks like he needs an 'L' name.
 Let's talk about MONSTERS. Kailey gave me this...wooden thingamajig to paint. I randomly started painting three monsters. A blue one with a pink Afro and braces, a green little gentleman, and a purple smart-looking monster with some amazing glasses. I immediately fell in love with all of them. I just made them today and they don't have names yet. But they're cute, right??? :)
 I love to make new characters. It's alot of fun to get to know them and their stories. Hopefully, one day everyone will get a chance to know them!
 Until next time (hopefully soon!),

Friday, June 10, 2011

I have returned

 I'm a horrible blogger. Its been a month. I am sorry. I have not even been very busy. Seriously. Okay Blogger is messing up big time so if something is mispelt I'm sorry, not my fault.
 The other day my mom asked me to find this paper for her. I was looking through my room and omygosh I found some school! If you know me pretty well then you can probably imagine my elation over this discovery. It's Old Testament Survey. I've been doing it the past few days and it's so good to feel sane again. I love routine and schedules and thats why I don't like summer. To much nothing.
     So yeah when Blogger wants to start acting sane again, I'll post more. I should probably DO more stuff too so I can blog about something other then school. :p I'm going to Chicago this month over my Birthday so that should be interesting. :)
 It's funny that I draw my favorite pictures whenever I'm not trying. I drew this one in the kitchen while I was waiting for dinner.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

My brain is bleeding

 Ugh. Sorry. Its been awhile since I've posted. First, I've been busy. Second, Blogger was down, Third, I'm in a drawing slump. Plus I hate to bore you with these meaningless posts about reading and drawing. I don't do much. I would LIKE to tell you about Wednesday night, but as I said, I'm in a drawing slump and I can't draw. Well, not good. My art doesn't come naturally. I have to work really hard to make it look good. Every once in awhile for a week or two, I can't draw anything. So I take a break. In the meantime, I have this picture I drew a few months ago when I was working on my side profiles.
 Also I have bad allergies. Not fun. I feel so sick! :p

Monday, April 25, 2011

Imagination on the Loose! Bystanders Beware!

  I confess. I get carried away sometimes. Planning is my specialty, patience is my roadblock. I'm obsessing over things that won't happen until September! My Imagination has to be kept on a tight leash, otherwise I obsess and worry about things that I eventually get tired of thinking about. It drives me crazy and unfortunately today I am obsessing over something that might not even happen. I need a cookie or something to distract sister made these really good cookies Saturday...they were lollipop cookies....yum. rainbows. :)
  My crazy cat, Kit, is a schemer just like me. This is what she does- the centerpiece on our table is a vase full of Hershy chocolate and two big flowers. Kit jumps on the table, fishes the chocolate out, and flicks it onto the ground for the dogs to eat. She does the same thing with pens, dog treats, and just about anything that you can put on a shelf. She's insanely cute though. Sigh. click on the pictures to enlarge them

 Also, Yesterday was Easter. Someone in the Youth Group dressed up as the Easter Bunny, but most people were just afraid of him.

Monday, April 18, 2011

The Magic of Reading

 Ah, books. What marvelous things! Your constant companion through boredom, your escape from homework, and your vacation from reality. Don't you love it when you finish a book, and the ending was so amazing, but you don't want to tell anyone, because you just want it to be between you and the book? I replay the scenes over and over in my head, and reread the funny parts, the saddest parts, the holding-your-breath-because-something-big-is-going-to-happen parts. Its alot better than movies, because movies end in 2 hours, and you hardly have time to get to know the characters. They seem so far away in that TV. But with books, you're right there in the action, the mystery, the drama! I might sound crazy but its because I've been reading alot! It's how I'll be spending most of my time, now that I don't have any school. :( I'm already bored, can you tell??

   Music is important, let's remember that!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

My Favorite Characters Pt. 3-Final

 I decided this is my last Favorite Characters blog post. I could go on and on and on with my characters. They all hold special memories for me. Corie Malibu, the homeschooler. Sara McMessUp, the girl in the office who messes everything up. G'moe and Friends, my very first comic. All good friends. So It was hard to choose todays charcters. I am going to do more characters in the future-be sure of it. I have so many others I want to show you.
Today, I am honored to share with you Blix Pikle, the Chubby Cheese Kid, and Devlin Dirt. My dad made them up.

 Blix Pikle. 5th Grade Detective. The Chubby Cheese Kid, his best friend, is his assistant. Yes indeed, the halls of FriendlyBurg Elementary are safer now that Blix stepped in, solving the everyday mysteries that arise quite often at their cozy little school. You may be wondering to yourself, 'Who would dare commit wrongdoing if such a slick character such as Blix was around?' Well, that would be none other then Devlin Dirt, my friend. Devlin hates Blix Pikle, and loves causing trouble. With the never-ending battle between the two, theres never a dull moment at FriendlyBurg.
Elementary Indeed, my dear Watson.
 My Dad started to write 'Blix Pikle and the Case of the Stolen Pizzas' once, but alas it is still a work in progress. After many years of leaving Blix Pikle untouched, I unearthed the memories and drew the characters. When I did this, some startling discoveries were made, because we were so young when Dad told us about Blix, that a few major details were overlooked. 1, Blix is a human, NOT a pickle, and Chubby Cheese kid is not cheese. 2, Blix is in Elementary school. And 3. Blix isn't an astronaut. Wow. So even though I've known Blix my whole life, I never really knew who he was until about 7 months ago. O.O

Monday, April 4, 2011

My Favorite Characters Pt. 2

 Today, Drew and Xiana McGru. Drew and Xiana are cousins, living with their only breathing relative, their Grandma McGru. One day, all of a sudden, Grandma McGru goes missing. Where could she be? Well, there are a number of places, considering they live in the middle of a dark and dreary forest, filled with odd creatures. With no one else to take care of them, Drew and Xiana set out to find their Grandma, meeting with strange characters like Humlet the troll, and sinister ones, like Princess Jillian. This is the story I've always wanted to write, but I'm a horrible writer. Its sort of sad that my story will never be written. Unless someone else does it for me. Maybe I'll hire a ghostwriter.
 I also want to include a character I developed a week or so ago. This is just a rough draft drawing, but I'm really excited about it. His name is Traci. Traci is by far, the coolest kid in all of 9th grade. He's 14, the Junior Highers think he's the coolest thing since the Disney Channel, and even some of the sophomores admire him. But not only is the popular, he also gets away with being an evil genius. Secret lab in his own backyard? Check. A dorky 6th grader for an assistant? Check. An awesome leather lab coat? Check. Tons of adoring fans to compliment and test his latest creations? Double Check.  He's not your average cool kid, he's not your average geek, but he sure is Traci.

Monday, March 28, 2011

My Favorite Characters Pt. 1

 I want to introduce you to some of my favorite characters. I truly love these people, they are some of my dearest friends.

    Today, Cassander (Cassy) and Wynn Williams. They are twins, and princes. Wynn is perfect. He's studious, a natural leader, athletic, and has tons of friends. He's the oldest, so he will take over the throne of England when his father, King Luke II, dies. Cassy, on the other hand, just wants to play the banjo. He has been playing the banjo since he was 4 years old! His Uncle Mark taught him everything he knows, and was like a father to him, since King Luke II favors Wynn. Alas, Uncle Mark moved to Iceland. Cassy's only friend is a prince (from a neighboring country) named Aden. An evil witch cast a spell on Aden, and now he's a frog. Cassy let Aden live in the swamp behind the castle garden so they could talk to each other. Cassy and Wynn used to be really close, and play all the time. But when the boys started Junior High, Wynn stopped imagining and started working. "Fun isn't logical" he said. Gosh Wynn, lighten up! Cassy still likes to imagine and daydream, even though he's 13 now.

Monday, March 21, 2011

80s Parties and Summer Expectations

  My church had an 80s rollerskating party yesterday. Everyone dressed was hilarious. It was alot of fun, even though today I am in some MAJOR PAIN!! D: tear! :(

  So summer is just a couple short months away....sigh. Summer is my favorite season. My 15th birthday is in June, my cousins wedding is too, Camp in August (LOVE), plus swimming, parties, tons of free time, not to mention starting my Sophmore year. Its all too much to think about! :) I hope I can visit Texas. If I do then it will definatly be a busy summer. 2 more months! A summer to remember!

Monday, February 28, 2011


 Making friends is really hard. Especially when your basically a mime like me. I wish I could talk to people. And when I try to, I start laughing uncontrolably. I am sorry if I ever offended you by laughing when you talk to me! Its quite embarrassing. Yeah, I'd be an AWESOME mime. Anyway, enjoy this cat! haha i LOVE this cat. :) and the picture of the silent girl. Ok, off to start my mime career! ..........................................

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Its a picture yes it is...

 I drew this picture 2 days ago. My scanners been acting rebellious. :p  i might add a background to it later but for now i like the empty white one.When I draw, I listen to music that in some way reflects the personality of the character I'm drawing. But most of the time I listen to music that makes me happy. :) When I drew this picture I was listening to Witchdoctor over and over and over. The Alvin and the Chipmunks version. haha it has nothing to do with the picture but i need to charge my ipod so i had limited choices. oh wellll :)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Girl with Poncho. Its purple. A purple poncho

 So this took me a day to draw. Its just a random picture, with no story behind it. I've been reading lots of manga lately (mostly S.A. LOVE IT ♥), and i LOVE the author/illustrator side notes. I look forward to them because their always so funny! maybe I should write one?

Saturday, February 5, 2011


 I am so tired of snow! Tired of looking, hearing, thinking, and preparing about and for it! I'm ready for summer, camp, swimming pools,..... but I'll settle for Easter. Yesterday night I went to Art Walk on the square. It was freezing cold, nothing was open, and the only people out were.....really freaky. But I had fun and at 8:30 we went to Heroes Coffee (best coffee ever!) and listened to my dad play. All in all, it was amazingly fun. BUT I STILL HATE SNOW! DIEEEE!!

Thursday, February 3, 2011


Did you know if you post a picture on Facebook they own it!? Thats why I made this blog. To post my art! I'm not a good writer so please don't expect more than a few short lines. I had no idea what to post first so this picture is my ice breaker. Plus I LOVE bunnys in aviator helmets!! <3 haha and whats better than a bunny in an aviator helmet than a bunny in an aviator helemt eating toast!?!?! NOTHING!! :)
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